indexed_features(double v1, double v2, …) – Returns a list of features as array: [1:v1, 2:v2,
infinity() – Returns the constant representing positive infinity. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: More
if(expr1, expr2, expr3) – If `expr1` evaluates to true, then returns `expr2`; otherwise returns `expr3`.
ifnull(expr1, expr2) – Returns `expr2` if `expr1` is null, or `expr1` otherwise. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark,
hypot(expr1, expr2) – Returns sqrt(`expr1`**2 + `expr2`**2). Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Hypot More functions
hll_est_cardinality(x) – Estimate reach from a HyperLogLog++. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: brickhouse.udf.hll.EstimateCardinalityUDF More functions