space(n) – Returns a string consisting of `n` spaces. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.StringSpace
spark_partition_id() – Returns the current partition id. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.SparkPartitionID More functions
split(str, regex) – Splits `str` around occurrences that match `regex`. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class:
sort_by_feature(map in map) – Returns a sorted map Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: hivemall.ftvec.SortByFeatureUDF More
sort_and_uniq_array(array) – Takes array and returns a sorted array with duplicate elements eliminated SELECT sort_and_uniq_array(array(3,1,1,-2,10));
sort_array(array[, ascendingOrder]) – Sorts the input array in ascending or descending order according to the